CS 373 Spring 2022: Bruce Nguyen

Bruce Nguyen
2 min readJan 29, 2022

What did you do this past week?

As the semester just began, I spent this past week preparing for the upcoming events and activities for the students organizations that I am a part of. I also spent time working on my class assignments in order to stay ahead of the course material in the courses and did some planning for my UTCS Pod this semester. My brother also came to Austin to visit, so I was able to show him around the city as well.

What’s in your way?

As of now, there is not really anything that is in my way, but I am currently missing my dogs back at home! After spending so much time with them over winter break, I really do miss being able to see them. However, I will probably be able to visit home some time soon, so I am looking forward to that.

What will you do next week?

During the upcoming week, I am planning on attending meetings for the student organizations that I am a part of. I also look forward to being able to see many of my friends again after winter break. As the weather is currently very nice and breezy, I also plan on taking walks to enjoy the weather.

What did you think of Paper #1: Syllabus?

I definitely thought that the course structure and details were very interesting. I have taken a course with the same specifications grading before so I am used to the grading system. As for the course overview, I am very excited to continue learning and expanding my skills through the material covered in the course.

What was your experience of assertions and Collatz?

I have definitely used assertions to ensure that preconditions and postconditions were correct in my previous projects. I am also familiar with the Collatz problem as I have seen it in previous courses as well. Overall, I am excited to continue learning more about these topics in this course.

What made you happy this week?

I was really happy to be able to spend time with my brother this past week! I had not seen him in a while, so I think it was a great opportunity for us to catch up. I was also really happy to be able to try out some new food this past week.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

For developers who spend a lot of time programming in a single session, I highly recommend trying a pair of glasses with blue light filtering lenses. This feature of the glasses prevent the eyes from becoming strained and tired from looking at screens for a while. They may also help with protecting the eyes from other potentially harmful lights throughout daily life.

