CS 373 Spring 2022: Bruce Nguyen

Bruce Nguyen
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

What did you do this past week?

Throughout out this past week, I took the time to try to get ahead on my assignments in my classes. I was also able to cook up some incredibly delicious meals and meet up with some friends that I had not seen in a long time during this past week.

What’s in your way?

There is not much currently in my way, but I do hope to be able to see my family again as it has been a while since I have been back in Houston. I have been able to keep in touch over the phone with my family, but I definitely miss seeing them in person. I am hoping to be able to see them again soon.

What will you do next week?

I am hoping to continue staying ahead on my assignments for my classes next week. I also look forward to attending the events and activities planned for my student organizations next week. As I have exams coming up soon, I will definitely be taking the time to study as well.

What did you think of Paper #5: Single Responsibility Principle?

As I read this week’s paper, I definitely agreed with many of the points that were mentioned. Throughout my previous projects, I definitely saw the importance of implementing each class with a single responsibility. Not only did this prevent future issues from occurring but the implementation overall was definitely more organized.

What was your experience of types and recursion?

I am decently familiar with types and data structures as I have worked with them throughout my previous projects. I also have a decent amount of experience with recursion from my previous projects. Overall, I am excited and curious to continue learning more about the details of types and recursion through this course.

What made you happy this week?

I was really happy to have been able to interview UTCS Pod Mentor candidates this past week. I really enjoyed being able to speak with potential new mentors and see their excitement for the role. I was also really happy to be able to give back to the UTCS community overall.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

For developers looking to continue keeping their computer files organized, I highly recommend designating a day during each week to clean out files. By doing this, developers are able to easily locate all files. This also prevents the computer from running out of storage due to excess files.

