CS 373 Spring 2022: Bruce Nguyen

Bruce Nguyen
3 min readApr 15, 2022

What did you do this past week?

This week, I focused on working on phase 3 of the IDB project with my team in order to ensure that we completed the project effectively and efficiently. I also took the time to work on many of my class work for my other classes as well. As the weather is a lot warmer now, I took some time to go on a run around campus too!

What’s in your way?

I currently do not feel like there is really anything in my way, but I have become much busier lately with all of my events, class work, and training for the longhorn run! However, I usually really enjoy being busy as it brings a lot of excitement to be able to look forward to many things. I am definitely ready to make the most out of everything coming up.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I will continue to spend time working on my class work in order to try to get ahead as much as possible. I will be running the longhorn run next weekend, so I am very excited to continue training for the event. I am also looking forward to spending time with some of my best friends soon!

What did you think of Paper #12: Why extends is evil?

I definitely think that this paper did a great job of continuing the idea of minimizing the exposure of implementation details. The examples shown in the paper were also very interesting to analyze. I am very excited to read the remaining papers in this course!

What was your experience of natural join and SQL?

I really enjoyed being able to learn more about natural join as I was not too familiar with the topic before the recent lectures. However, I have some SQL experience as I have utilized the language in some of my past projects. I am looking forward to more upcoming lectures on SQL.

What made you happy this week?

I was really happy to have been able to complete phase 3 of the IDB project during this past week. My team and I have been meeting up constantly in order to continuously make progress on the project overall. I am very excited to continue working with my group to finish up the last phase of the IDB project soon.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

When spending time developing software during a long programming session, developers may find it useful to have reminders to eat, drink water, or move around. I highly recommend that developers set up reminders or alarms on their computers or phones in order to be reminded to take care of basic tasks throughout a programming session. These reminders can also be very useful in assisting developers in completing other tasks at a certain time as well.

