CS 373 Spring 2022: Bruce Nguyen

Bruce Nguyen
2 min readApr 29, 2022

What did you do this past week?

I spent some time working with my project group on phase 4 of the IDB project this week. I also was able to attend some of the events and activities held on campus with some friends. As I also have exams coming up, I have been making sure to study for them as well.

What’s in your way?

Currently, there is not much that is in my way but I have a lot of planning to do for this upcoming summer. I also have a lot of work to finish up before the end of the current semester as well. I am definitely looking forward to a lot of exciting things coming up soon.

What will you do next week?

As phase 4 of the IDB project is due next week, I am also looking forward to meeting with my team to finish up the project. I will also be continuing to study for my exams as they are approaching soon. As it is the last week of classes, I also hope to spend time with my friends before the semester ends.

What did you think of Paper #14: The New Methodology?

This week’s paper was extremely interesting and provided me with a lot of insight on the agile methodology of software development. I can definitely see myself utilizing the ideas mentioned in the paper throughout my career in the future. Overall, I really enjoyed being able to learn a lot more about the agile methodology overall.

What was your experience of refactoring?

I have definitely utilized refactoring in my previous projects, so I am decently familiar with it. The lectures on refactoring throughout this week definitely helped me expand my knowledge on the topic overall. I definitely look forward to learning more about refactoring in the future.

What made you happy this week?

I was really happy to be able to complete my group project for another course that I am taking. I am also glad to have been able to get ahead on a lot of my class work. I was also very happy to able to see many of my friends through out this past week as well.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

When constantly developing in many different settings, it is important to safely transport your devices. A backpack with a laptop sleeve can be very useful as it allows for the developer to safely hold their devices. Developers will also be able to carry any other necessary items along with their devices.

