CS 373 Spring 2022: Bruce Nguyen

Bruce Nguyen
3 min readApr 2, 2022

What did you do this past week?

During this past week, I focused on completing phase 2 of the IDB project with my group. I also took the time to get in touch with many friends who I had not seen in a long time. As the weather was really nice outside, I also spent a lot of time outside in order to truly enjoy it.

What’s in your way?

There really is not much in my way but I have recently been missing my dogs back in Houston! My dogs are extremely playful and caring with me and my family and they always bring us joy whenever we are with them. I definitely hope to be able to see them again soon.

What will you do next week?

I am looking forward to working on the third phase of the IDB project with my group next week. We are looking to get as far ahead as possible in order to manage our time in the best way for our schedules. I am also looking forward to meeting with another project group for another class.

What did you think of Paper #10: Why getter and setter methods are evil?

Overall, I thought that this week’s paper brought up many important points and addressed many of the same issues that appeared in the SOLID papers. Though the use of getter and setter methods seem to be most intuitive, they may also introduce issues in the future of an implementation. I think that it will be very useful to understand the pros and cons of using getters and setters while developing software.

What was your experience of functions, regular expressions, and relational algebra?

I definitely have had experience with functions before through my previous projects, but I am thankful to have learned more interesting things about them during the lectures this week. I am not as familiar with regular expressions or relational algebra, however, as I have not had as much experience with them in the past. I will continue looking forward to expanding on my skills related to these topics.

What made you happy this week?

This week, there was a training session for the Longhorn Run, and I was able to continue practicing for my 10K run in April! I am very excited to be able to take part in this event because I truly enjoy running a lot. I am definitely looking forward to more training sessions for the Longhorn Run.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Some developers prefer to utilize a trackpad rather than a mouse when utilizing a computer, but not all computers have a trackpad. Luckily, there are wireless trackpads available that can be used on the go. This will allow developers to comfortably utilize many different computers with their own trackpad.

