CS 373 Spring 2022: Bruce Nguyen

Bruce Nguyen
3 min readMar 27, 2022

What did you do this past week?

This week, I spent some time catching up with friends that I had not been able to see during spring break. I also was able to attend some of the events and activities held by the student organizations that I am a part of. As the due date for Phase 2 of the IDB project is approaching, I also spent some time working on the project with my group.

What’s in your way?

As of now, there is not much in my way, but I already miss my family back in Houston. Being able to spend some time with them over Spring Break really allowed me to be able to catch up with them after a long time. Though, I was able to spend an entire week with them, I would always be willing to spend so much more time with them.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I am looking forward to completing Phase 2 of the IDB project with my group. As I have another group project for another class coming up, I will also be taking the time to meet up with my group members for that project. I am also looking forward to finishing some more work for my classes and getting ahead in all of my classes overall.

What did you think of Paper #9: Dependency Inversion Principle?

After reading this week’s paper, I could definitely see how useful the Dependency Inversion Principle is in software development. The use of abstract classes definitely allows for clean and modular designs that can prevent issues from occurring in the future. I look forward to continuing to develop safe and effective software after learning about the SOLID Principles.

What was your experience of decorators, Cache, and functions?

I have definitely used caches and functions before in projects that I have previously worked on. However, I was not too familiar with decorators before this week’s lectures. I am excited to continue learning more about these topics in the future!

What made you happy this week?

Throughout this past week, I was really happy to have been able to be back on campus following spring break. I missed being able to walk to and from campus and enjoying the weather overall. I am looking forward to spending more time outside and enjoying the weather here in Austin.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

For developers who constantly develop on the go through the use of a portable device like a laptop, I highly recommend changing environments in order to keep the development process new and interesting. This may also allow for an increase in productivity and efficiency overall. The change in environment can also help the mind in forming effective thoughts and ideas for the development process as well.

